The Journey from Developer to Scrum Master

The roles in Scrum are quite different from other traditional software methods. Given the flexibility and adaptive approach of Scrum, as team members, we get the opportunity to experience new responsibilities and broaden our skills. For example, one can start as a Developer and then migrate to a Scrum Master role, while another can transition … Read more

Project Manager and ScrumMaster: The Difference

Some think that these roles or positions if you will are one and the same. That a ScrumMaster can easily fill the role of a Project Manager and vice versa, however, a closer look reveals some large differences in mindset and execution. Let?s dig in. Unlike a Project ?Manager? a  ScrumMaster is a servant leader, … Read more

Bridging the Gap between Non-technical and Technical Teams

A significant barrier many teams face in their operations is the undeniable communication barrier between non-tech and tech teams. For instance, project managers and marketers may want projects done quickly in a typical marketing agency, while software engineers typically want to take their time on projects.  Also, these teams speak different languages (both figuratively and … Read more

Understanding the Development Team – A Challenge for a CMO?

Although it might seem like a clich?, software engineers and marketers rarely see eye to eye in many agencies. After collaborating with the technical team, a CMO may ask, “Why is Understanding the Development Team such a Challenge?” However, this “conflict” between marketing and engineering is brought about by certain factors for which both sides … Read more

Do YOU Need an Offshore Development Team?

The outsourcing vs in-house subject has been debated for the last two decades in almost all industries, including agencies. Some companies prefer to expand their networks, reduce overheads and outsource, while other companies prefer in-house for native language skills and easy timezone management. There are plenty of reasons to choose between in-house vs offshore, so … Read more

Spicing up Waterfall with Agile

The Waterfall model is the earliest Software Development Lifecycle approach that was used for software development, long before the Agile approach was embraced. As the Waterfall Model illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential flow, it means that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is complete. In … Read more

Story Points: Revolutionizing Marketing Efficiency and Team Dynamics

In an age where adaptability is synonymous with survival, the agile approach has transcended its software development confines, offering marketing teams a robust framework to thrive in fluctuating markets. This article will explore the integration of agile methodologies—specifically story point estimation—into marketing operations, its alignment with development processes, and its broader implications for project management. … Read more

Top Tools Used by Scrum Masters in the Industry

The Scrum framework can open doors to endless possibilities for problem-solving. It can help Scrum Masters, Product Owners, and the Development Team make decisions quickly, incorporate customer feedback efficiently, and keep everyone on the same page. As a Scrum Master, when it comes to knocking on the right door for the best Scrum tools, the … Read more

The Journey from Developer to Scrum Master

The roles in Scrum are quite different from other traditional software methods. Given the flexibility and adaptive approach of Scrum, as team members, we get the opportunity to experience new responsibilities and broaden our skills. For example, one can start as a Developer and then migrate to a Scrum Master role, while another can transition … Read more

How to the 2023 Survive Crisis: Your Operations Matter

In times of economic uncertainty, many firms often face difficult decisions, ones that can fundamentally alter their trajectory as well as future state. The difficult conversations of ‘breaking even,’ the fear of ‘another round of layoffs,’ and the anxiety around meeting payroll feel too common. However, a crisis, though daunting, presents unique opportunities for reassessment … Read more