How to Cultivate and Nurture Self Organizing Teams

Self-organized teams in an organization is not a new concept, this management approach has been used years ago, even in the previous century, and it is becoming increasingly popular nowadays with emerging software development methodologies. This concept has increased its popularity after the broader adoption of Agile. If we are to look into the Agile … Read more

Spicing up Waterfall with Agile

The Waterfall model is the earliest Software Development Lifecycle approach that was used for software development, long before the Agile approach was embraced. As the Waterfall Model illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential flow, it means that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is complete. In … Read more

Agile to “Be” or “Do”?

If you are reading this, you already know that Scrum has three roles: Product Owner, ScrumMaster, and the Development team members. These three roles make or break Scrum, having a crucial role in delivering successful products. These Scrum roles are often different from official job titles, meaning that the development team, for example, can be … Read more

The Journey from Developer to Scrum Master

The roles in Scrum are quite different from other traditional software methods. Given the flexibility and adaptive approach of Scrum, as team members, we get the opportunity to experience new responsibilities and broaden our skills. For example, one can start as a Developer and then migrate to a Scrum Master role, while another can transition … Read more