Understanding the Development Team – A Challenge for a CMO?

Although it might seem like a clich?, software engineers and marketers rarely see eye to eye in many agencies. After collaborating with the technical team, a CMO may ask, “Why is Understanding the Development Team such a Challenge?” However, this “conflict” between marketing and engineering is brought about by certain factors for which both sides … Read more

Bridging the Gap between Non-technical and Technical Teams

A significant barrier many teams face in their operations is the undeniable communication barrier between non-tech and tech teams. For instance, project managers and marketers may want projects done quickly in a typical marketing agency, while software engineers typically want to take their time on projects.  Also, these teams speak different languages (both figuratively and … Read more

Creative Projects – A Different Approach

Creative projects (e.g., video production, marketing campaigns, web design, etc.) are characterized by a predetermined budget, strict timeline, and a diverse group of people in the team. Many things happen simultaneously, and requirements changes may occur often and almost arbitrarily. This causes uncertainty about the project timeline and the resources needed (people and money). There … Read more

Agile to “Be” or “Do”?

If you are reading this, you already know that Scrum has three roles: Product Owner, ScrumMaster, and the Development team members. These three roles make or break Scrum, having a crucial role in delivering successful products. These Scrum roles are often different from official job titles, meaning that the development team, for example, can be … Read more

How to Cultivate and Nurture Self Organizing Teams

Self-organized teams in an organization is not a new concept, this management approach has been used years ago, even in the previous century, and it is becoming increasingly popular nowadays with emerging software development methodologies. This concept has increased its popularity after the broader adoption of Agile. If we are to look into the Agile … Read more

Scrum Master and Product Owner – Can They Be the Same Person?

If you’ve experimented with Scrum before, you’re likely familiar with the Scrum Master and Product Owner roles. In case you’re not, here’s a quick breakdown: the Scrum Masters are responsible for improving and maximizing the productivity of the Scrum Team. They have three essential priorities – support the Product Owner, support the Development Team, and … Read more

Top Tools Used by Scrum Masters in the Industry

The Scrum framework can open doors to endless possibilities for problem-solving. It can help Scrum Masters, Product Owners, and the Development Team make decisions quickly, incorporate customer feedback efficiently, and keep everyone on the same page. As a Scrum Master, when it comes to knocking on the right door for the best Scrum tools, the … Read more

Strategic Project Management – Are You Using It?

There is more to effective project management than meeting deadlines, budget, and scope. Achieving strategic goals and delivering real value is only possible through competent project management that is guided by and aligned with an organization’s strategy.  In today’s fast-changing business environment, organizations formulate and execute a strategy to meet new challenges, improve service delivery, … Read more